Friday 10 February 2017

Days 6 and 7 - taking it easy

We decided to take it easy on day 6 (i.e. we were somewhat hung over after a bit too much wine at the tango the night before). By the afternoon, we had managed to rouse ourselves enough to go and check out the park areas around Palermo, one of the residential suburbs near the inner city. After a slow stroll around the botanic gardens (us and the rest of the elderly tourists…), we decided to undertake our first street choripan experience. This staple of Argentinian street food is basically a grilled chorizo, sliced lengthwise and stuffed into a bread roll. It was great, and smashed all other sausage-bun combos out of the water. Unfortunately, they are quite unphotogenic, so here are some pictures from around the gardens instead.

Nice glasshouse, lopsided picture (thanks Jeremy). And hey look there's me (looking grumpy with Jeremy's inability to hold a camera straight).

Vines growing up the butt! (Yeah I'm real mature)

During my correspondences with one of our Airbnb hosts, they mentioned something about el bosque de Palermo (the forest of Palermo). I thought I’d misunderstood, as there was no way there would be a forest in the middle of the city. But yep, there was actually a small forest.

Day 7 brought drizzle and much lower temperatures. Delighted that we weren’t going to die a steamy death when we went outside for once, we headed to San Telmo again, this time to wander around the famous Sunday markets. Despite the somber weather, the market was out in force, with stalls piled with antiques and handcrafted goods. There was the general stuff that one would expect (crappy souvenir magnets, baggy hippie pants, etc), as well as weirder goods (jewellery boxes intricately carved from the pith of oranges, operational cameras carved from wood, microscopically tiny figurines of superheroes). The smell of food grilling permeated the air from the numerous asados dotted around the place. We noticed a long que coming from a small shop in a side street, so of course we had to join it, and were rewarded with amazing juicy choripan that was even better and cheaper than the ones we had yesterday. With the weather taking a turn for the worse, the only sensible thing to do was hole up in an old bar (around since 1903) and order a bottle of delicious Malbec.

A market the Jeremy didn't hate - must be a miracle

Vitamins for sale

Cool ceiling of the indoor market

Master of the asado

Delicious $12.50AUD bottle of malbec in a nice drinking establishment (it even has a batch and bottle number and everything!). Water doesn't cost much less here. How is this even feasible?! I can't even get a bottle of "house wine" comprised of the dregs of previous patrons' left-over BYO for that price in Sydney...

Jesus bonus for extra XP: this awesome-looking Russian Orthodox church. Those are some mighty roof-puffs.

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