Sunday 12 February 2017

Day 10 - an "easy" day

After the epic walk to & around Laguna Torre the day before, we decided to go easy on our poor sore legs and do a few shorter walks (although we still ended up doing at least 10km in total). First up was a waterfall an hour or so up the road (6km there and back) named Chorrillo de Salto. This was unexpectedly difficult because we kept wandering onto side trails and by accident instead of sticking to the road like we were advised to do, and also because the wind was intense*. The waterfall itself was beautiful, and we were lucky enough to see a condor roosting on the cliffs.

Don't listen to TLC when they tell you not to go chasing waterfalls - they're just selfish and want to keep the place to themselves


After lunch, we tackled the steep climb to two miradores (lookouts): de condores (1km away from town, a 90m climb) and de aguilas (2km, 120m). As advertised by its name, we saw several condors circling at the mirador de condores (although they were going too quickly for me to get good pictures). These birds are incredibly huge, and I am beyond thankful that they feed mostly on carrion and not pathetic tired Katharines. Mirador de aguilas gave us an incredible view over the town, as well as the surrounding mountains and lakes.

Whoop! I climbed a thing!

Jeremy too, climbed the thing. He doesn't feel the same sense of achievement as I do because his legs are longer so this whole thing is easier for him.

Look at those stupid long legs. I'm so jealous.

*Seriously, the wind here is something else. After the first day, my face was already so chaffed that putting on moisturiser stung like hell and my lips are so cracked I can't open them enough to eat a large bite. Skin is currently falling off my face in flakes. I feel like I have greyscale.

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