Monday 30 January 2017

Day 1 - ¡Hola, Buenos Aires!

Apologies in advance for the shitty quality photos in this post. Turns out doing anything productive with an iPad is a pain in the ass. Will try and fix this for later posts in the coming days.

We have made it to Buenos Aires and are safely ensconced in our Airbnb! After several days of vague panic, we somehow managed to pack a bunch of crap at the last minute (only time will tell whether we packed wisely or not), get Jeremy to the doctors about 4 hours before our flight (he's somewhat ill at the moment), and get our butts on a plane on time.

After many hours of wrestling, I somehow managed to condense what are supposedly all my necessities for the next 8-12 months of travel into a 11.5kg pack and small backpack. I guess I'll have to put myself on a total buying ban if I want to continue being able to fit all my stuff in my pack.
This comprises roughly half of my worldly possessions... scary...

At least all our transport was relatively non-stressful - the 11.5 hour flight over was no more or less shit than anticipated, customs was super chilled, and despite us spending ages puzzling over the confusing customs declaration form, they ushered us through without even asking for the form. We managed to make it to our Airbnb in one piece, and attempted to become human again via showers and watching Adventure Time in Spanish.

As if this show wasn't mental enough without the added language barrier & intense Mexian-accented Princess bubblegum

View of the street from our apartment. We are pretty central in the CBD, from what I've gathered using my poor navigational and spatial awareness skills

So many buildings have cute balconies! This one across from us is only mildly cute.

Our home for the next week - the "before" shot.

After a couple of hours of pottering about, we went our on our first wander around the streets of Buenos Aires in a quest to find an ATM. We wandered past some pretty awesome looking buildings, but in my exhaustion-induced paranoia, I didn't take my camera to take photos with... that will have to wait until tomorrow!

In case we get kidnapped or lost or are too busy to be online for the next while, please our plans for the next few weeks are as follows, in case any friends and family need a starting point with which to seek vengeance and/or send a search party:
- Chill out in Buenos Aires for a week, eat lots of steak and pizza
- Fly out to El Calafate in Argentinian Patagonia next Monday, where we will hike around in the mountains for a week and a half
- Spend another week in Buenos Aires, more gluttony
- Fly out to Salta in the north of Argentina. Wing it from here on.

I'll try to write a post every day or 2, but we all know what a slacker I am. Until then, ¡adiós!

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