Wednesday 3 February 2016

Middle Earth

My slackness when it comes to blogging is so phenomenal, even I have trouble comprehending it. Will try better. Will likely fail.


On my most recent trip to NZ, I went and did dorky touristy things in a dorky touristy fashion with my family. Here are some snaps from our Hobbiton visit, where my dorky sister and I frolicked around with nerdish glee while mum despaired and reflected on a wasted lifetime of raising such dorky spawn*.



I don't think I've ever spoken to any Kiwis who have actually been to this tourist-trap of an ex-movie set, whereas people from everywhere else usually seem astonished that not everyone in NZ lives in a hole in the side of a hill (if I could, I would). I'm such a sucker for things like this though.






Here's a delightful scene of domestic life in the Shire. Unfortunately, our hairy feet are concealed by footware.


I had to edit the water and sky to make it LESS distractingly blue in these photos. Seriously, NZ, stop being so pretty and stuff already or I might have to move back and change my name to Bilbo or something.



And what better way to end a tour than with a drink in the Green Dragon Inn (which they set on fire for the first film and later reconstructed)


* just kidding, mum like it too, especially the immaculately curated vegetable garden.

P.S. This is what happens when you ask my mum to take a photo, and make sure to get the entirety of our heights plus the giant beer barrel in, in the centre of the frame >_<


Photos taken at Hobbiton, Matamata in January 2016.